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Pathway And River Clean Up – Keeping Calgary Clean

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Calgary is known for its beautiful pathways, many of which run along our two glacial rivers. The annual Pathway and River Cleanup is an incredible initiative which seeks to remove litter from Calgary’s pathways and parks, helping the environment and making Calgary’s outdoor spaces more enjoyable for everyone. The Calgary metal recyclers and suppliers at Federal Metals Inc. are excited to fill you in on the details of this fantastic event.

The Pathway and River Cleanup takes place on the first Sunday of May every year, which this year will fall on May 6th. It is held in conjunction with ConocoPhillips Canada on behalf of the City of Calgary and is made possible through the tireless efforts of volunteers. During the event, thousands of registered volunteers head out to Calgary’s pathways, riverbanks, and parks to remove any litter that they find.

You can volunteer for the Pathway and River Cleanup through the City of Calgary website. If registration is full, the City of Calgary welcomes you to follow the events on the day of the cleanup by searching #yyccleans on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

On the day of the event, cleanup will take place from 9 am to 12 pm. Volunteers will head out to every quadrant of the city on the nearly 200 km of pathways inside Calgary. Before they start cleaning, the volunteers will be divided into groups and assigned to a designated area. Each group will also be assigned its own leader. Teams will spread out into their designated area and fill up garbage bags. Once the bags are full, they will be placed in a predetermined location and picked up by City staff to be properly disposed of.

The annual Pathway and River Cleanup has a long history and dates all the way back to 1967. It all began when a 12-year-old girl named Sandra Crawford spotted an abandoned mattress lying in the water of the Elbow River as she was walking alongside it. Finding that she was not able to remove it and not wanting to leave it in the hopes that someone else would, Sandra wrote a letter to the Calgary Herald about the mattress. This has since been declared the very first Pathway and River Cleanup.

If you have any more questions about the annual Pathway and River Cleanup, you can contact the city by calling 311.

Federal Metals Inc.: Helping to Keep Calgary Clean Every Day

At Federal Metals Inc., we are passionate about the Pathway and River Cleanup and other initiatives that help keep this great city clean because we are directly involved in transforming the waste industry ourselves. We buy and sell large amounts of scrap metal at our Calgary scrap metal recycling facility, helping to keep it out of Alberta’s landfills. This not only reduces bulk landfill waste, but it also reduces the pollution in our soil, air, and water.

If you’re interested in recycling scrap metal and would like to find out current scrap metal prices in Calgary, don’t hesitate to contact Federal Metals Inc. today.

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