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Curbside Revenue: Meet Some Of The People Who Make Money Scrapping Metal

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Today’s consumer economy is saturated with scrap metal, providing ample opportunities for scrappers to make money by bringing their haul to a scrap yard. At Federal Metals Inc., we work closely with metal scrappers from all walks of life. Some people who bring metal to recycle at our Calgary scrap metal recycling facility do so as a hobby, while others do so as a full-time job. We provide them with scrap metal prices in Calgary and they decide where their efforts are best suited.

Metal scrappers are an important part of the economy all over the country and all over the world, especially those who scrap metal full time.

One such scrapper is Mike Burtenshaw from Kitchener, Ontario. Every day, 47-year-old Burtenshaw loads his pickup truck with broken and returned products from retailers and property managers in the region. He then brings them to a local scrap metal recycling facility. Burtenshaw makes a living hauling metal, typically picking up his day’s first load before 8 am. Local shopping malls, stores, and apartment buildings allow him to pick up scrap metal and items containing metal on the condition that they are headed to be recycled.

Like Burtenshaw, the scrap-collecting twins of Hamilton also make their living hauling scrap in the community. Their mode of transport, however, is a little different. Twins Richard Lichty and Steve Hoyland ride a red garden tractor that pulls a train of carts behind it. One brother rides the tractor while the other sits in a cart. They make their rounds on a daily basis, collecting any recyclable metal and metal items they can get their hands on. The brothers cash in several loads a day depending on what they come across.

Across the pond, you’ll find The Metal Guy, Tony Laviolette, collecting scrap metal all over London. He is one of hundreds who head out every day to pick up items that the city won’t, such as old bicycles and appliances. While some scrappers only pick up specific items, Laviolette goes for anything. He works between three to 18 hours every single day, hauling an average of 8,000 pounds a day. Laviolette does all of the heavy lifting himself and uses the revenue to support himself and his daughter.

Unlike London, most Canadian cities are actively involved in helping people recycle metal from their homes. Calgary does an exceptional job in this regard, providing ample information about where and how to recycle scrap metal in the city. Calgarians can either bring their scrap metal and old appliances to a city landfill or to a Calgary metal recycler who will pay them for their haul.

If you have scrap or old appliances to unload, then you can bring it to the metal recyclers and metal suppliers at Calgary’s Federal Metals Inc. We collect, process, and recycle both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including iron, cast iron, structural steel, copper, aluminum, brass, and nickel.

For more information on scrap metal and copper recycling in Calgary, don’t hesitate to contact Federal Metals Inc. today.

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