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Scrap Metal Bin Services in Calgary

Contact Us

A Scrap Metal Bin is a simple and efficient way to handle cleanups for a wide variety of industrial and construction sites. At Federal Metals Inc., we provide several different bin sizes to meet your hauling needs right here in Calgary. 

Our bin services are great for professional contractors and even homeowners working on small home reno projects. It’s a great way to ensure your job site stays safe, clean and organized. We take a large assortment of household metals, farm equipment, non-ferrous metals and even car parts! 

Here’s how you can rent a bin from Federal Metals Inc. in Calgary!

Getting a quote

Getting a quote includes choosing the right bin size for your needs. The size of your bin is determined by your project size and duration. Federal Metals Inc. has a variety of Lugger and Roll Off Bins available for rent across Calgary, one of our experienced and friendly Calgary Metal Recyclers can help you make an informed choice on choosing the right bin size for your unique needs. 

What kind of metals can you recycle? 

Our bins are equipped to handle both large and small loads including steel, aluminum, and copper. It’s a good idea to keep your scrap organized and only use bins for scrap metal to make sure you can get cash for recycling! Our bin service makes recycling your scrap metal convenient and leaves a positive impact on the environment. 

Federal Metals is a proud recycler of copper, steel, aluminum and other metals. We continue to work hard to keep Calgary clean and green by recycling your scrap metal and putting cash back in your pocket! 

For more information on scrap metal bin services and current scrap metal prices in Calgary contact Federal Metals Inc. at (403) 236-0402 today! 

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